A Little Winter Getaway

We booked a last minute stay at Sea Coast Gardens. A little get away from the Indiana winter. They property was just as pictured. Very clean and inviting. Easy to get to. Right on the beach. Can’t get much better than that. View of the Atlantic, priceless. The staff was very responsive to our questions. Clear instructions on entry. We had our dog with us. Took him on daily walks up and down Atlantic Ave. Dogs are not allowed on the beach. But, there is a wonderful dog beach just North of the downtown. The park fee is $10. daily pass. Lots of trails and of course the beach. There is even a dog washing station for those pups who love to roll in the sand. Flagler is full of restaurants, bars, and cute shops. Hard to choose the best. One restaurant we really like is the Garlic. Great Italian food and Seafood. The setting is magical. A must see. All in all, we will return to New Smyrna Beach. And would love to stay at Sea Coast.

 – Deb K., New Palestine, IN., Sea Coast Gardens II 102